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[필리핀AIC어학원]팔라완 AIC어학원 가족연수후기 by Ellie 본문
[필리핀AIC어학원]팔라완 AIC어학원 가족연수후기 by Ellie
24시간 영어환경을 가진 팔라완 aic어학원의 초등학교 2학년학생의 연수후기입니다~
((이글은 초등 2학년 제 딸이 4주동안 있으면서 느꼈던 점을 말한거에요..
아직 영타 못쳐서 제 딸이 말한 그대로 제가 받아 적었어요.. 그래서 문장 이상한 것들 있는데.. 그냥 그대로 쳤어요..
조금이라도 바꾸면 큰일나요..^^.. 지명이나 선생님 성함 철자등은..틀렸을 수도 있구요..))
제 딸은 여기 aic 레벨테스트에서 junior용 intermediate이긴 한데 어법과 듣기는 부족하다고 하셨고 총점이 이 레벨이라 하셨구요.... 4주 배우기 전 한국에서의 상태는 영어로 말하는걸 두려워 하지 않고 저랑 집에서 시간 되면 영어로 가끔 말하고.. 영어책 꾸준히 읽고 있었구요.. 여기 온 이유는 집에서 책읽기도 계속하니 공부가 되니.. 지겨워하고.. 또 한번쯤은 어떤 체계적인 수업들... 즉 작문도 좀 해보고 어리지만.. 기본 어법(do, does..등등)도 한번 그냥 들어보는게 좋을 것 같아... 온 거에요... (근데 자꾸.. 욕심이 나지만.. 아이가 빡세게 하려 하면 완강히 거부해서.. 눈높이를 낮추는 중입니다..)
엄마 맘같아선.. 그냥 빡세게..^^ 아침 8시부터 오후 6시까지 영어 수업하고 단어 50개씩 외우게 하고.. 그렇게 하고.. 싶긴 하지만.. 아직 2학년인데.. 너무 몰아붙이면.. 안될 것 같아 이곳을 선택했구요.. 수업은 100분씩 4번(추가수업은 추가로 지불하고 하고 있는데.. 딸아이가 더 하고 싶다고 해서 하는거에요..요즘은 조금 힘들어 하는 것 같아 아이 의견 들어보고 추가수업 계속할지 결정할거에요.)하고 수업후에는 다행히 같이 있는 정말 좋은 언니오빠랑(오빠는 갔어요.. 아쉽게도) 수영하고 밥먹고 도서실가서 숙제하고 3학년인 오빠랑 놀기도 하고.. 그렇게 지내고 있구요..아이 글에서도 보실 수 있겠지만 3학년 오빠 가기 전 한주동안 거의 매일 한시간씩 도서관에서 숙제 한 후 필리핀 선생님들과 놀았어요.. 딸아이 가르치지 않는 선생님들도 계셨는데... 몸으로도 놀아주시고 또 이야기도 영어로 돌아가면서 하고.. 이 학원의 장점이 바로 이런 것이 아닐까 생각되었답니다.. 즉.. 맘만 먹으면 선생님들과 수업후에도 대화할 수 있는 그런거요.. 그럼.. 제 아이 글 보셔요.. 2학년이라 단문 위주지만.. 그래도..^^
Hello, my name is Ellie. I'm in Grade 2, it means I'm 9 years old.
With my mom, I study a lot in The Philippines, Palawan ( aic 란 얘기에요) Here is a good place to swim too.
My first day in AIC was not much a good day, because when I had a Van to arrive here, I had a tired feeling. And the cafeteria's food didn't taste good to me. So I just ate a little.(Now I can enjoy foods well.)
The first week for my studying was very tired and exhausting for me. Because I had to do all English classes.....uh.......The first time, I was guessing who will be my teachers, and I know my teachers are all good. But it was not easy to study anyway. Mom said I have to follow teachers' rule.... but....
During classes, I learn writing from a very excellent teacher who can draw well and make me happy. When I work very much, we talk about ghost. I enjoy the stories. Sometimes when I finish my all classes, I play with teachers including this teacher. It is very fun.
Also I learn 'backpack' from a very good teacher who can teach very well and always prepares a lot. She can treat me well. Sometimes she can be a strict teacher. Mom said this is because of me.
And I also learn reading & writing journal from the only male teacher who is good at telling meanings of the words that I don't know. He likes my England- style accent(영국식 발음;British style이란 뜻이에요.). He is good to correct my journal.
And the last teacher teaches speaking. She is my funniest teacher. Everytime she jokes to me, and she is good at make me comfortable during the class. so I 'm not tired even though she is the 4th teacher.
I don't know the class time is very long because my teachers are all amazing.
After classes I always swims. But of course I have to do my homework; it's my duty.......Swimming time always goes fast, but studying time always go slow. But I enjoy everything here, especially touching cats. They are so cute that I can't help touching them.
Another best thing is I won at Thrusday activity. It was so cool : Teacher Jeff and Jeremy and Cheryl and Mr. Kim and I were teammates. We did a great job.
Teachers are all kind to me even though they are not my real teacher. I play at night with CheChe, Anjie, Jeff, Ram and Joyie(??). That thing is one of the favorite things here.
I really enjoy here. Also I am very happy because I have friends to play(Jason and Angela; but Jason go away)
The boring thing is I have to do review & homework. and sometimes mosquito bites me a lot when I get bite by a mosquito, I got angry..
I miss my magnificent Dad who loves me a lot and plays well with me and my elementary teacher in Korea, and my friends I want to play with. I miss korean icecream too.( my mom bought twice in downtown, but it was too expensive, so she doesn't buy them anymore)
I went to downtown(Crocodile farm, Baker's hill, and a little boring Mytra(?)'s farm and Ncc mall , and Robinson...) twice and also went to mayon's liver. ...good time for me.
I am sleepy now, so if you excuse me, I will finish this journal.... Have a good day.. See you in my dream.....
'* 필리핀 어학원들 > [팔라완]AIC' 카테고리의 다른 글
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