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30 | 31 |
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필리핀 푸우짱 & 하나유학센터
필리핀어학연수 이앤지어학원 뉴스레터와 연수후기! 본문
* 필리핀어학연수 이앤지어학원 뉴스레터와 연수후기*
필리핀 전문 유학원 푸우짱 장성우실장입니다
오늘은 다바오에서 온 소식을 전해드립니다
보통 필리핀어학연수를 하면 성인은 세부와 바기오
가족연수는 세부와 클락을 많이 찾습니다
저는 조용한 환경을 좋아하는 분들에게
다바오 이앤지어학원을 많이 추천합니다
한국인이 별로 없고 도시의 편리한 생활이 가능하고
바다와 가까우며 다양한 여행을 즐길 수 있기 때문입니다
그리고 무엇보다 다른 도시보다 상당히 안전하기 때문이지요
다바오 이앤지어학원 뉴스와
일본학생의 연수후기를 살펴보겠습니다.
Most of E&G students and teachers gathered together
and had some bonding time at the BBQ party last May 17.
It seems like all of them did enjoy the delicious dinner
and new students from Japan, Korea, and Taiwan
could have the chance to mingle with the old students.
E&G will arrange for many events like this in the near future to cheer up the students tired from all the studying!
다바오 이앤지어학원의 BBQ파티 소식입니다
바다가 보이는 테라스에서
아주 맛있는 저녁식사를 즐길 수 있습니다
필리핀어학연수로 일본 대만 한국학생들이 있으며
가족같은 분위기에서 다른 학생들과
친해질 수 있는 계기가 됩니다
맛있는 BBQ 먹고 다른국가의 친구들과
즐거운 시간을 보낼 수 있답니다
이번에는 필리핀어학연수 후기입니다
다바오 이앤지어학원에서 연수한 일본학생의 경험담이에요
이앤지는 주로 일본학생들이 70~80% 정도로 많이 옵니다
50대분이 느낀 이앤지연수생활을 만나보세요
Hello, nice to meet you. I am Nakahara, living in Yamanashi, 50 year old, and self-employed.
I entered E & G three weeks ago and leave this school today.
Due to martial law in Mindanao and the battle in Marawi city,
there has been growing concern over the safety of this city, Davao.
I was also worried about safety at first.
In Japan I had SKYPE online English lessons with Philippine teachers every day,
so asked about Davao and they told me the fact that Davao is probably is the safest city in the Philippines.
Even when I searched on the internet, it showed the same facts as they had said.
Here in Davao now, Filipino people are kinder than I thought and I’ve got always exact amount of change from taxi drivers here.
Besides, the prices are lower than Manila and Cebu. I can go to shopping mall in ten minutes by taxi or zeepney.
The E&G teachers are also friendly. Last year I studied English in Manila for a month,
and I think that the quality of teachers here is much higher than in Manila.
There is even a beautiful beach in front of this school. I recommend this school.
일본학생의 필리핀어학연수 연수후기입니다
여러부분에 대해서 만족도를 알려주는 연수후기입니다
마닐라와 세부를 경험한 학생이기에
더욱더 공감가는 좋은 후기라고 생각합니다.
1. Safety of the city
I feel certain that Davao city is very safe.
Due to the Islamic extremists who used to be based in Marawi city in Mindanao,
many people are concerned for the safety here in Davao as well,
but Davao is far away from the city of Marawi.
Furthermore, President Duterte left a lot of cultural heritages for posterity
when he was a mayor of Davao,
and the safe community was one of them.
People here say that they are proud of his legacy and this safe city, Davao.
I never felt dangerous even when I was out at night.
2. Comfort and convenience of the city
First of all, prices are low. I’ve been to Manila and Cebu,
and prices there are much higher than Davao.
Judging by my experience, I think the prices here are around 60 % of those in Manila and 85% of those in Cebu.
Taxi drivers always drive charge the fare on mete and return the exact amount of change.
I haven’t experienced any rip-off here in Davao, which is prevalent in Asian countries.
The urban environment is not that great alike other cities in the Philippines, but it is still tolerable.
3. Location of the school
I could call a taxi to pick me up at the school to the nearby shopping malls, so I always used taxis.
The basic fare is 40 pesos which is equivalent of 90 yen and it costs around 80 pesos to the nearest mall 80 pesos.
There are McDonald's and Seven-Eleven which are 5 minutes away from the school on foot.
4. Facilities of the school
I cannot say that facilities are all new here but this school is good enough to stay in.
I could enjoy warm showers and I had no problem with the dormitory room.
A refrigerator and an air-conditioner in the room worked fine, too.
But, there are some mosquitoes, so it may be useful to bring the mosquito repellent.
5. Quality of the class
Sometimes it is depends on a teacher,
but I think that there are many teachers of good quality.
6. Meal
There are many Korean home-style cuisines and they are delicious.
You do not need to worry about a "hot" meal.
In general, I am satisfied here.
또 다른 일본학생의 연수후기입니다
Class ... I cannot compare E&G with other English schools because I have studied aboard for the first time here.
Anyway, it’s true enough that I felt quite closer to my teachers and I was really excited to have classes with enthusiastic teachers.
Personally, I enjoyed the grammar with the teacher JEZ pretty much.
I think it was really wonderful and the most helpful to me.
I found CNN class very difficult as my listening comprehension and vocabulary skills were not good enough,
so I had quite hard time (lol). This is my fault, anyhow.
The atmosphere ... Everyone was friendly and nice.
Regardless of age, nationality, or background, all were friends here.
Since I was working in a company with a top-down management style,
I liked this kind of atmosphere very much.
Meals ... It was more delicious than I had expected.
The most delicious meal was dinner with Mabo tofu and spring rolls. It was awesome.
Rooms · Cleaning · Washing ... Wonderful quality! I am grateful for all the work of the staff.
Tobacco ... I would be glad if there were an ashtray in near G building (lol) that I stayed.
E&G is such a nice school. In my honest opinion, I want to stay longer.
필리핀 제2의 도시 다바오!
조용한 필리핀어학연수를 원한다면
이앤지어학원이 좋습니다
바다가 바로앞 휴야느낌
직장인 필리핀어학연수
가족과 함께 필리핀가족연수
영어와 골프를 한방에 골프연수
토익과 아이엘츠 시험준비과정
2004년부터 필리핀만 40차례
경험의 차이가 지식의 차이를 만듭니다
'* 푸우짱 강추학원 > 최고시설 BMBT' 카테고리의 다른 글
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