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필리핀어학연수 맨투맨수업 선생님따라하기!

by 필리핀푸우짱 2012. 6. 20.

필리핀어학연수 맨투맨수업 선생님따라하기!

영어왕초보 개그맨 김대범씨의 선생님 따라하기~어렵지 않아요!

필리핀 바기오 베씨어학원에서 이루어진 맨투맨수업입니다

'따라하세요'부터 따라하는 우리 대범씨!

차근차근 한문장씩 선생님 따라하는 모습의 동영상입니다!

아이가 한걸음한걸음 걸음마를 배우듯이

영어초보자도 필리핀에서 맨투맨수업으로 한걸음씩 나아갑시다!

[필리핀어학연수]김대범 맨투맨수업-따라하기 SCRIPT
Dae Bom: (talked in Korean)
Teacher: Just “tarahaseyo” okay ~
Dae BOm: “tarahaseyo” listen to me
Teacher: Follow after me, follow after me.
Dae BOm: follow after me
Teacher: okay ~ no no no…follow after me no, “kunyang, tarahaseyO”
okay “tarahaseyO” I need English~

Dae Bom: “tarahaseyo” (talked in Korean)
Teacher: “tarahaseyo nun” okay, you can say ~ please repeat after me
Dae BOm: please repeat
Teacher: after me, please repeat after me. I need English …
Dae BOm: I need English
Teacher: and Dae Bom can do it
Dae BOm: and Dae Bom can do it
Teacher: You can do it!
Dae BOm: You can do it!
Teacher: alright!

Dae BOm: ( talked in Korean)
Teacher: Yes, you can do it! English is simple like putting on make up.
Dae BOm: English is simple…
Teacher: yeah, like putting on make up…
Dae BOm: like putting on make up…
Teacher: okay~ alright, so…and why do you need to study English?
Dae BOm: why?
Teacher: Why do you need to study English?
