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필리핀 푸우짱 & 하나유학센터

[필리핀 APC어학원]마닐라 APC어학원 교육과정 및 교재 본문

* 필리핀 어학원들/마닐라어학원

[필리핀 APC어학원]마닐라 APC어학원 교육과정 및 교재

필리핀푸우짱 2012. 4. 27. 12:48

[필리핀 APC어학원]마닐라 APC어학원 교육과정 및 교재

APC어학원의 레벨구성과 평가방식을 알아보고

교재를 알아보는 페이지입니다

내가 어떤 레벨에서 어떤책으로 공부할지 미리 알아보자구요~



기존의 학원들이 1:1수업에만 집중되어 있어 정확한 실력향상의 결과를 알 수 없었던 것과는 달리 APC-ESL에서는 4주마다 정확한 레벨테스트를 통해 학생들의 수준에 꼭 맞는 레벨을 확인할 수 있습니다.
자신에게 꼭 맞는 레벨테스트에 따른 맞춤수업을 통해 학생들은 보다 빠르고 효율적으로 영어를 마스터할 수 있도록 도와드립니다.
4주 마다 담당 선생님 제도를 통해 1:1 면담이 이루어지며, 학습진행 사항과 영어능력 향상을 체크합니다.
학습진도와 레벨 업에 대한 평가를 통해 효과적인 개별 맞춤교육이 가능하게 합니다.
또한 연수를 마친 후 APC대학에서 발급한 수료증(80%이상 출석률시)과 평가서를 제공합니다.


Speaking Listening Reading Writing Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation

Basic Reading Power
Basic Reading Power
Basic Reading Power
Basic Reading Power
Basic Reading Power
Basic Reading Power
Basic Reading Power
Basic Reading Power


Basic Reading Power
Basic Reading Power
Basic Reading Power
Basic Reading Power
Basic Reading Power


Basic Reading Power
Basic Reading Power
Basic Reading Power
Basic Reading Power
Basic Reading Power
Basic Reading Power
Basic Reading Power


Basic Reading Power
Basic Reading Power
Basic Reading Power
Basic Reading Power
Basic Reading Power
Basic Reading Power

(Upper Intermediate)

Basic Reading Power
Basic Reading Power
Basic Reading Power
Basic Reading Power
Basic Reading Power
Basic Reading Power
Basic Reading Power


Basic Reading Power

Basic Reading Power
Basic Reading Power
Basic Reading Power
Basic Reading Power
Basic Reading Power
  1. The Level 1a Program is good for two to four weeks. Subsequently, the student will take the Level Up Test to move forward to Level 1b.
  2. Level 1a Students will be taught Reading, Writing, Grammar and Vocabulary lessons only.
  3. The programs have duration of four to eight weeks. However, the student has the option to be accelerated when s/he writes and passes the Level up Test.
  4. If the student passes the Level Up test, s/he has to use the prescribed books for the skill s/he chooses to improve.
  5. All classes from beginner 1b to 4 must use our main 1:1 books, i.e., Insights 1, 2, 3 and 4 together with a vocabulary or grammar book. The student’s 2nd 1:1 class has to use skill books (Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing)
  6. It’s possible to use continuously the skill and vocabulary and grammar books when the student had a level up but s/he has to change the Insights book.
  7. Levels 5 and 6 have no main 1:1 book. The teachers of the students on these levels will take note of the weaknesses and areas needing improvement. They have to decide the book (from the list) which is suitable for their students’ needs.
  8. Levels 5 and 6 students can choose whether to have a single-book class or a double-book class. The single-book class uses only one book for the whole 2 hours while the double-book class has two books: the first book is for the student’s goal (student’s choice) for the first hour and the second book is for the skill that the student needs to improve (teacher’s choice) for the second hour.
  9. Teachers have to use syllabi for their 1:1 classes. Therefore, it is not necessary for them to make lesson plans. But they are required to make weekly tests and submit them after checking. However, if a student wants improve and study other than those above (e.g. Business English), that’s the time the teacher has to make a lesson plan for his/her 1:1 class.
LEVEL1(Beginner) LEVEL1(Beginner) LEVEL1(Beginner) LEVEL1(Beginner) LEVEL1(Beginner) LEVEL1(Beginner)
LEVEL1(Beginner) LEVEL1(Beginner) LEVEL1(Beginner) LEVEL1(Beginner) LEVEL1(Beginner) LEVEL1(Beginner)
