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필리핀 푸우짱 & 하나유학센터

[필리핀 어학연수 CIP]클락 CIP어학원-레벨프로그램 본문

* 푸우짱 강추학원/네이티브 CIP

[필리핀 어학연수 CIP]클락 CIP어학원-레벨프로그램

필리핀푸우짱 2011. 6. 24. 16:10

[필리핀 어학연수 CIP]클락 CIP어학원-레벨프로그램


학습자는 책임(버디)강사의 지속적인 관찰과 조언으로 올바른 학습방향을 제시 받습니다. 이러한 관심과 더불어, 다양한 테스트와 평가, 상담, 커리큘럼 변경 등의 피드백을 통해 학습자는 학습동기를 부여 받게 됩니다.
평가는 평소 수업에 대한 테스트(퀴즈)에서부터 진도평가, 발표, 영작문, 디베이팅(debating), 통역, IELTS, TOEIC 등의 공인시험에 이르기 까지 다양한 방식으로 이루어 집니다. 각 평가는 난이도가 명시되어, 학습자에게 객관적인 기준을 제시 합니다.

테스트 후에는 지난 결과와 비교 또는 앞으로 학습방향에 관한 상담, 커리큘럼 및 강사 조정, 시상 등의 피드백이 수반 됩니다. 평가서(Assessment Report)는 매달 영역별 진척사항이 한눈에 들어 오도록 그래프 형태로 보여 집니다.
본원에서는 레벨에 따른 IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC 공인시험의 예상 점수를 안내하고 있습니다. Intensive Course에서 학습자가 intermediate(401) 레벨을 받는다면, IELTS는 평균 5.5~5점, TOEFL IBT에서는 88~74점대의 예상점수를 기대할 수 있습니다. 또한 본원에서 부여 받은 레벨은 다른 어느 국가(지역)의 랭귀지센터나 대학에서도 거의 동일한 레벨을 받게 됩니다.
Proficient Level. Fully understand everything heard or read. Has the ability to paraphrase a long and complex story or text easily because of very good comprehension and vocabulary. Student is very fluent and precise in communicating similar to a native speaker.
IELTS : 9 - 8.5
TOEIC : 990 – 987
TOEFL : IBT 120 – 116 / PBT 677 – 663
Can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, recognize and understand unspoken expressions(facial expressions). Expresses oneself fluently and spontaneously without obviously searching for expressions during social gatherings, academic, and professional purposes. The technical command in the English language is above average.
TOEIC : 986 – 984
TOEFL : IBT 116 – 114 / PBT 660 – 650
This level is already skillful in terms of all the aspects of the language. Student can easily and freely communicate using above average vocabularies with minimal mistakes. He/she can sustain an English conversation and respond accordingly.
IELTS : 7.5
TOEIC : 983 – 981
TOEFL : IBT 113 – 111 / PBT 647 – 640
A student can understand Technical aspects of the English language (Business English) which is more complex and abstract. Student can easily use the language in the professional world. The speaker is highly effective in relaying information, and is at ease with speaking and listening to native speakers.
IELTS : 7 – 6.5
TOEIC : 980 – 855
TOEFL : IBT 110 – 96 / PBT 637 – 594
This level is almost at par with a 501 level, the student’s ability to communicate is very relaxed. Minimal grammar mistakes when it comes to general topics. Listening and vocabulary is above the basic level.
TOEIC : 845 – 815
TOEFL : IBT 94 – 90 / PBT 590 – 576
Can understand main ideas on conversations and communicate their opinions with others. He/she would be able to deal with native speakers when travelling. A student can express his/her personal experiences briefly. ( Hi, Can you tell me where the washroom is?, I don’t like it when it’s very crowded in the bus station, I went to New Zealand last year, my experience in paragliding was awesome, I would go back there next year!)
IELTS : 5.5 - 5
TOEIC : 805 – 705
TOEFL : IBT 88 – 74 / PBT 573 – 537
The student’s ability is above average in the basic knowledge in English language. He/she can easily communicate and converse using basic expressions, know its usage and responses.
IELTS : 4.5
TOEIC : 695 – 610
TOEFL : IBT 72 – 64 / PBT 533 – 507
Student’s English knowledge is still basic from vocabulary, grammar, speaking, listening and writing. He/she can understand a simple sentences, questions and basic English information. Communication is still limited but comprehension can be achieved with the use of simple words. Familiarity with frequently used expressions and conversation on routine matters. ( Basic Idioms and Slangs: Hey, What’s up?, Easy as pie, Let’s call it a day)
IELTS : 4 - 3.5
TOEIC : 600 – 495
TOEFL : IBT 62 – 51 / PBT 503 – 467
This level is just above 201, a student can understand common and simple phrases. He/she can use simple responses to situations or questions.
TOEIC : 485 – 400
TOEFL : IBT 49 – 41 / PBT 463 – 440
Basic knowledge of the language like common expressions and simple phrases. ( I like ice cream, It is cold today, I have a toothache...)
IELTS : 2.5
TOEIC : 390 – 335
TOEFL : IBT 39 – 31 / PBT 437 – 413
A student can comprehend simple sentences but difficulty. Repetition is done in order to achieve full understanding.
TOEIC : 325 – 250
TOEFL : IBT 29 – 21 / PBT 410 – 363
Students have a very limited or little knowledge about the English language. (Hello, Hi, Take care...)
IELTS : 1.5
TOEIC : 240 – 185
TOEFL : IBT 19 – 11 / PBT 360 – 340
These are students with ZERO or No knowledge of the language.
TOEIC : 175 – 0
TOEFL : IBT 9 – 0 / PBT 337 – 310
