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필리핀 푸우짱 & 하나유학센터

[필리핀어학연수 AELC]클락 AELC어학원-교재안내 본문

* 필리핀 어학원들/기타지역어학원

[필리핀어학연수 AELC]클락 AELC어학원-교재안내

필리핀푸우짱 2010. 4. 19. 17:36
[필리핀어학연수 AELC]클락 AELC어학원-교재안내


side by side
All-skills program that integrates conversation practice, reading, writing, and listening—all in a light-hearted, fun, and easy-to-use format that has been embraced by students and teachers worldwide.
                             출판사 Longman
Really learn 100 phrasal verbs
Written to help learners gain a thorough understanding of the meaning and grammar of 100 essential phrasal verbs through authentic examples and guided

   출판사 OXFORD

Really learn 100 phrasal verbs for business
A companion volume to Really Learn 100 Phrasal Verbs, focusing on 100 phrasal verbs that are commonly used in




Talk Talk Talk
The main purpose of this book is for the students to see and gear modern American English as used by an intelligent
natice speaker and to respond with their own ideas in their own words.
                                             출판사 LIS KOREA
Short stories
Each unit starts with a story and is followed by a variety of excerses aimed at the needs of korean students.


출판사 Longman

Each Book contains 16 teaching units, frequent Progress Checks that allow students to assess and monitor their own learning, a listening self-study section. Included is a Student Audio CD that contains the Conversation, Pronunciation.
                                           출판사 CAMBRIDGE
Each chpter there is a dialogue, in matural but correct American English, to give users a " feel" for how the real language is used in a lifelike situation.



Each unit of the themartically linked Reading and Writing strand and Listening and Speaking strand explres intellectually challenging, contemporary themes to stimulate critical thinking skills while building languate competence.
                                               출판사 Longman
Whaddaya say?
Whaddaya Say?' helps intermediate to high-intermediate students understand English as it is really spoken. This easy-to-use listening program familiarizes students with the rapid speech commonly used in everyday life.

 출판사 Longman

Communicative, student-centered activities enable students to engage in meaningful communication. A wealth of pair work, role plays, and group work
helps students learn cooperatively.

  출판사 Longman

Students develop essential listening strategies, such as predicting, looking at language, understanding main ideas and points of view and focusing on details.
                                  출판사 Longman

