관리 메뉴

필리핀 푸우짱 & 하나유학센터

[필리핀어학연수]다바오 잉글리쉬닥터스어학원 수업방식및 형태 본문

* 필리핀 어학원들/다바오어학원

[필리핀어학연수]다바오 잉글리쉬닥터스어학원 수업방식및 형태

필리핀푸우짱 2009. 12. 14. 12:34

[필리핀어학연수]다바오 잉글리쉬닥터스어학원 수업방식및 형태

필리핀 어학연수 수업방식에 대해서 알아봅시다

필리핀 수업형태는 맨투맨수업,1:4 소그룹수업,1:8 그룹수업,강의식 수업으로 크게 나누어집니다

잉글리쉬닥터스어학원의 수업방식을 간단히 알아봅시다


1:1 Man to Man 수업 / 1:4 Group 수업 중 원하는 수업으로 커리큘럼 구성이 가능합니다.
  필리핀 선생님과 1:1로 진행되는 맨투맨 수업은 수업 Beginner단계 또는 Elementary단계의 초보자에게 특히 효율적인 수업으로 영어에 대한 자신감과 흥미를 높여줍니다. 개개인의 레벨과 특성에 가장 적절한 방식으로 speaking, listening 영역의 효과를 극대화 하기 위한 수업입니다. 그리고 학생이 원하면 수업의 형태를 일부 변형시켜 reading, writing, grammar등 다양한 형태의 수업이 가능합니다.
  1:4 수업은 비슷한 레벨의 학생 4명이 강사와 함께 매번 특정 주제를 가지고 토론식으로 진행되는 그룹 수업방식으로 Business english, Daily english, Screen english, Cnn english 등 의 커리큘럼이 있습니다. 1:1 class에 비하여 보다 긴장감과 경쟁의식을 가지고 공부할수 있는 장점을 가지고 있으며, 다른 학생들과의 그룹수업을 통해 자신의 영어실력을 평가하여 좀 더 향상된 영어능력을 키울 수 있는 수업입니다.
  무료 수업은 1일 1시간 수업으로 진행되며, 개설중인 강좌중 원하는 강좌를 선택하여 들을 수 있는 선택형 그룹 수업입니다. Vocabulary for Beginner, Intermediate, Listening Class, Situational Class, 토익대비 등 매달 다양한 커리큘럼으로 진행됩니다.
잉글리쉬 닥터스의 교육과정은 총 6단계의 Beginner, Elementary, Pre-intermediate, Intermediate, Upper intermediate, Advanced로 나뉘어 집니다.

On completion of this level you will be able to say your name and where you are from; talk about your job, your home and your family; talk about your likes and dislikes including routines, interests and holidays. You will be able to ask other people basic questions and provide short answers. You will be able to cope with some real-life situations, such as ordering food in a restaurant and asking about prices in shops. The course will help to develop your understanding of question forms, verbs, numbers, the alphabet and the pronunciation of English, and develop sentence level writing ability.

On completion of this level you will be able to communicate in simple sentences on a range of well - known topics; understand and respond to other people ' s questions; compare yourself to other people; talk about your preferences including belongings, routines, appearances and studying. You will be able to cope with real life situations in shops, restaurants and cities. The course will help to develop your understanding of present and past verb forms, adjectives, prepositions, nouns, functional language, pronunciation, and develop paragraph level writing ability.

On completion of this level you will be able to communicate your ideas on a range of common topics; have discussions with others; share your ideas on many ideas including traditions. Lives, childhood, good and bad experiences, values and preferences. You will have a grasp of the English needed to deal with tasks and situations in foreign countries such as hotels, shops and small talk for socializing. The course will help to develop a greater understanding of the different uses of present, past and future verb forms, adjectives, prepositions, articles, functional language, formality, pronunciation, and develop narrative style and letter writing ability.

On completion of this level you will be able to function competently and independently when dealing with a wide range of common topics; have the skills to read a range of texts of different lengths; use a wide range of vocabulary to talk about preferences, experiences, feelings, changes in society, controversy, problems and solutions. You will have more confidence about initiating and maintaining conversations, and increase your knowledge of suitability. The course will refine your understanding of grammar and all parts of speech; develop complex clause understanding, have a focus on pronunciation, and develop different types of writing including note-taking.

On completion of this level you will be able to talk quite fluently and accurately on most topics; deal with most everyday situations; feel confident to actively take part in and understand extended conversations; argue a point clearly and coherently. The course will develop vocabulary-building skills through the study of collocation, affixation and word families, and provide extensive practice to develop grammatical accuracy and fluency, help you to draft ideas and develop your ability to produce accurate and well-organized writing.

On completion of this level you will be able to talk fluently and accurately on a range of current issues. Topics on this course are all related to current events and world trends. There is a focus on developing high level vocabulary through word building, collocation, comparison with mother tongue lexis and texts containing a wide range of colloquial expressions and idioms. This course also provides an in-depth review of more complex areas of grammar including verb forms, sentence patterns, modality and particles
