관리 메뉴

필리핀 푸우짱 & 하나유학센터

[cella]세부 셀라어학원-커리큘럼 내용 및 교재 본문

* 필리핀 어학원들/세부어학원

[cella]세부 셀라어학원-커리큘럼 내용 및 교재

필리핀푸우짱 2009. 10. 1. 16:22


Basic Grammar in Use
CNN Series (Listening & Reading Focus)
Consider the Issues 2nd and 3rd Edition
Discussions A-Z
English Grammar in Use
English Idioms
*English Headway Series (Beginner-Advanced)
*English Headway Teacher's Resource Book (Beginner-Advanced)
Essential Grammar in Use
Even More True Stories
Express Yourself
Express Yourself 1 & 2
First Impact
Grammar in Use Intermediate
High Impact
Jazz English
Impact Intro
Impact Issues
Impact Topics

* Language to Go Series

Move Up Elementary A&B
Move Up Pre-intermediate A&B
Move Up Intermediate & Advance
New Interchange
New Interchange 1 & 2
Northstar Listening and Speaking Basic
Northstar Listening and Speaking Intermediate
Northstar Listening and Speaking High Intermediate
Northstar Listening and Speaking Advance
Northstar Reading and Writing Basic
Northstar Reading and Writing Intermediate
Northstar Reading and Writing High Intermediate
Northstar Reading and Writing Advance
Passage Student's Book series
React Interact
Reading Advantage
Reading Advantage 1-4
Side by Side 1 & 2
Slangman Biz Speak
Slangman Street Speak
SLE 1 A, B & C
SLE 2 A, B & C
SLE 3 A, B & C
Small Group Discussion ? Korean
Small Group Discussion ? University
Talk Talk Talk 1 & 2
The Idiom Advantage

* Touchstone
What a Life
What Do You Think
